Friday 21 September 2012

People Who Look Like Animals (Week 2 Part 2)

Hey, I'm back!

In the everlasting battle between Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, I'm going to have to remain faithful to J.K Rolwing, despite the fact that I also love LOTR. Oh God, apologies for blaspheming and then awkwardly back pedalling.. Anyway, the reason I bring up Harry Potter is because this weeks second edition shows Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley); and Dory from Finding Nemo
I also have a deep passion for Finding Nemo

This post is shorter than I would have liked it to be as I ran out of time in class.  Had I had more time to spare I would have ranted about my love for both Finding Nemo and Harry Potter... Actually, now that I think about it, it's just as well that I haven't the time for that..

Til next time..

Auf Wiedersehen

People Who Look Like Animals (Week One)

Hello, this is my new profile. My former profile StarbucksStiv is no longer in use so I am republishing my older posts.

This week, we are looking at everyone's favourite Mythbuster, Jamie Hyneman. (No disrespect to Adam Savage..)

Sorry Adam

Shall we dive straight in?

Which is which?

Ah, I love it!  I can't believe I never noticed the walrus similarity before but I can never unsee this.

Til next time..

Friday 14 September 2012

Hello and welcome to the people who look like animals blog.  As an introductory blog I have featured my personal favourite..

Snoop Dogg and Kermit (Pet of Jenna Marbles)

Also is anyone else horrified about this new Snoop Lion crap?!